Great Film Series

Film reviews by Karl C. Watts: On the Waterfront (1954) and the failure of the Trade Union movement

Film reviews by Karl C. Watts: Lawrence of Arabia and its Historical Falsehoods

Film reviews by Karl Watts: Modes of Urban Alienation, pt 4: Taxi Driver (1976)

Film reviews by Karl Watts: Introduction to the American Heartland Series

Film reviews by Karl Watts: Modes of Urban Alienation, pt 3: Mean Streets (1973)

Film reviews by Karl Watts: Modes of Urban Alienation, pt 2: Midnight Cowboy (1969)

Film reviews by Karl Watts: Modes of Urban Alienation, part 1: Annie Hall (1977)

Film reviews by Karl Watts: Introduction to the 'Modes of Urban Alienation' series: Annie Hall (1977); Midnight Cowboy (1969); Mean Streets (1973); Taxi Driver (1976)

 The Decline of the Old South part 2: A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

 The Decline of the Old South, part 1: Gone with the Wind (1939)

Film reviews by Karl Watts: Introduction to The Decline of the Old South Series: Gone with the Wind (1939) part 1 and A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) part 2

Film reviews by Karl Watts and revelations of the truth (if there is such a thing): Paths of Glory (1957): The evolutionary struggle between the foot soldier and the general.

Film reviews by Karl Watts : All About Eve (1950): Life in the Theatre

Film reviews by Karl Watts: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Bomb: Mankind in all its foolish glory

Film reviews by Karl Watts : Some Like it Hot (1959): Enjoy the thrill while it lasts

Film reviews by Karl Watts: The Treasure of The Sierra Madre (1948): The best film about the nature of gold

Film reviews by Karl Watts: A Vision of Los Angeles part 2, Blade Runner (1982)

Film reviews by Karl Watts: A Vision of Los Angeles, part 1: Chinatown (1974)

Film reviews by Karl Watts: The Godfather trilogy and the politics of Machiavelli as described in The Prince, part 2

Film reviews by Karl Watts : The Godfather Trilogy and the politics of Machiavelli as described in The Prince, part 1

Film reviews by Karl Watts: 'Hoop Dreams' (1994)

Film reviews by Karl Watts: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

Film reviews by Karl Watts: Amadeus (1984)

Film reviews by Karl Watts: Unforgiven (1992)