Why I do not review more current releases?
There are a plethora of films out right now which one may review and build up the hits on your blog however there is a reason why I have restrained myself from following the path of ‘pandering to vulgarity’ so I can get a quick dollar or some attention in the spotlight. There is a whole host of films out right now that are simply not worth reviewing much less seeing. Firstly there is the abomination Pirates of the Caribbean: On stranger tides. Why people flock to see this film is beyond me. The only probable explanation is the compulsion that the casual movie goer feels i.e. wondering what’s next in Jack Sparrows story. Having identified with Jack from the previous three films the casual filmgoer cannot seem to resist the compulsion to view the film not knowing that the story of Jack Sparrow could be scripted by anyone with an imagination. The first three Pirates of the Caribbean films were hardly worthy of praise only a justification for the bourgeoisie who were reluctant to highlight that these pirates became statesmen after years of plunder. It simplifies the experience of pirate life in the Caribbean by relying on caricatures such as Jack Sparrow to make people laugh. It reminds me of other films made from a western perspective that are incapable of understanding the culture and so they rely exclusively on style over substance. It is like Darwin said some Men only rely on what they see as opposed to carrying out a systematic and intrinsic investigation of the subject’s internal composition. There are some who realise their mistake after viewing a film like the fourth installment of the Pirates franchise and others like me that have successfully resisted the temptation knowing full well that the executives in the media houses have some of these moviegoers hooked as if on drugs. The minds of some casual moviegoers are now saturated with the vulgarity squeezed out by these executives however like drugs they keep coming back. A lot of the summer blockbusters released so far this year have justified my point although (I will not call names since there will always be some moviegoer who is transfixed by the film.) having little or no thought behind the production. Movies are now cheapened commodities which is a feature of the capitalist system: A dime a dozen. Anybody can make a film because it seems that a certain standard is not being set and this is why when the Oscars come around the vulgar film goers have never heard of any of the nominees and say that it must be boring etc. The days are fading when most of the casual filmgoers would watch most of the films nominated at the Oscars now some of them see these films as art house projects which is disappointing for they will be ignorant of the fact that it is these same so called boring art house films that are supposed to set the standards for the next generation whether they like it or not. It is not the vulgar films that they cherish so much which are the progeny or inheritors of the films they consider to be boring. This is the case you have: those who cherish the vulgar films are the ones driven by compulsion and are considered those who are ruled; the rulers are the ones who decide what the vulgar filmgoer will like and feeds their minds with it; they do this by choosing elements from the great productions which were considered boring when originally released and then transform that element into a film which the vulgar filmgoer is certainly going to see (feed him the drugs). It is only a fool who will think that the vulgar films that they watch are the real deal and this will reveal a breathtaking ignorance on the fools’ part; for what is for them entertainment is just one element of a masterpiece; the masterpiece probably was from a production in the 1930’s or more recently in the 2000’s. When that masterpiece came out the vulgar filmgoer dismissed it as boring and not worth watching but instead takes a bite out of its progeny which is in the form of forgettable blockbuster entertainment. I went to watch Super 8 because the preview suggested a more small scale production which would reveal some mysterious element I never knew before. It did not however but what it did do was to lure me in and confound me when I saw it. I was taken in I could not resist the urge. The film executives won that round. The fact that you hear so many people commenting on the influence of various masterpieces on the film is just a sign that what you are appreciating when you go to see it is just a progeny i.e. a film that just inherited one element of something greater than itself. It is true that no masterpiece can say everything it needs to say and so there are elements in the masterpiece that are ripe for development so you can either advance the ideas promulgated in that masterpiece or you can retard it in the form of a vulgar production which then becomes fodder for the casual filmgoer to laugh or experience some false sense of shock. Next will be Transformers 3: The Dark Side of the Moon, which will be another element in the lucrative transformers franchise however the transforming elements in the film will be the only highlight that will be a standout. I will not review that film however the casual filmgoer will be driven by compulsion because he or she needs to have a snort and while he or she is high they will feel that Transformers 3 is the greatest thing they ever saw although they will not be able to tell you exactly what makes the film remarkable. They will marvel at the explosions and the noise that the action will generate. They will marvel at the fact that the robots still transform and marvel at the graphics as they did for the first 2. The casual filmgoers will go in packs so that transformers can give them a fix and fill a longing that they have for something better but they probably will never find what that better something really is for the rulers have all the answers. When transformers 4 comes out they will still be searching.
It is rare now to find a director that has a singular vision that will shape the future of the industry like, Orson Welles, John Huston, Francis ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick and Stephen Spielberg or stars like Humphrey Bogart, Marlon Brando and Robert Deniro who do not pander to audiences by choosing stellar roles that will ensure that they remain prissy and photogenic for the camera. Everyone seems to be hitting the middle of the road. I sincerely hope that the likes of Christopher Nolan will continue his path of success and strive to reinvent the form of film as we know it today so that future audiences will have something to look forward to. Christopher Nolan should not worry that people find his films boring or too mind numbing simply because they are used to vulgarity. He should persevere knowing full well that if he succeeds in his vision there will be a whole host of vulgar films following in his footsteps. I am sure he has seen the influence of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight on recent superhero films such as Iron Man and X Men-Origins (which I will never review since what it wants to say is so clear and it is only trying to save face following the debacle that was the abomination X–men, part 3). Persevere Chris and do not pander to clichés or you will fall in a rut. Keep the vision alive. I know what I am searching for and I have found it. Question: Do you know what you are searching for and have you found it?
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