I have been hearing a lot of talk in the media about the
persistence of gender inequality and I thought I should add my part to this
great debate. While walking the streets of Jamaica I witnessed a scene where a
man was upbraiding his woman, a working woman, telling her to ‘guh a yuh yaad!’
or ‘go home’. The woman was telling the man to stop following her and to leave her alone but the man persisted
in his attempt to control her. His demeanour suggested that in a more private
setting he might have hit her. It must have been a relationship gone bad. I
didn’t hang around to see the conclusion as the woman stood her ground as the
man stared down at her ominously saying that this was typical of her theatrics.
Such a scene made me realize that gender inequality is a real thing and not a
myth as Beyonce claims. There are men who still believe that women should be
dominated in such a manner which is typical of the old patriarchal mode of
existence which is the historical basis for many societies throughout the
globe. Even if a woman is working it is considered of a lesser value than the
work done by man in the same occupation. But why is this? There is a historical
basis for it and it would help to explain why ‘It’s a Man’s world.’ I hope that
after this argument I am not considered sexist or a chauvinist or an old
fashioned cave man. I thoroughly detest the old patriarchal system which is
another system of economic exploitation. When those bonds were, or are,
shattered women have been able to engage in most activities that were normally
exclusive to men. Women need to have the means to express themselves and be who
they want to be but it is still a man’s world. This is why so called gender
inequality persists although men and women will never be equal in a lot of
respects unless most males are emasculated or most females are injected with
huge amounts of testosterone. Beyonce is incorrect when she says that gender
inequality is a myth. Gender inequality is rooted in our natural history and
has influenced our perceptions in the social sphere where humans have risen above the level of
pure instinct.
Firstly, men are superior, physically, on average, to women.
Based on our progression throughout natural history we have been designed with
larger bodies, bigger brains, and high levels of testosterone that makes us generally more pugnacious, commandeering,
equipped with better motor skills and more courageous than the average female. The argument for this is sexual selection
where the males and females are assigned specific roles in nature. The males
are the primary competitors for females so that they can sow their seed in the female and so perpetuate
their line. There is an element of choice because women generally go for the
victorious male who must prove himself in some form of competition with another
male to claim her (or several females at once), as his own. Females do not
generally engage in such activities in nature. Sexual selection on the part of
the female plays an important role in perpetuating the structure of male
dominance because the most beautiful woman will attract the more attractive
males or the stronger males. Some females might love the ugly duckling but, by
and large, they prefer the male who is stronger and more attractive than his
rivals. I am not speaking about the social sphere as yet. It has been argued by Darwin, in The Descent of Man, that over time some
females in some variants of species do adopt certain characteristics of the
male rendering the two almost equal in nature although this is not a general
trend. It does apply, however, to the social sphere of man which I will discuss
in the next section. The primary
function of the female, biologically, is her reproductive function. The females, on average, are therefore not
designed with the various capabilities of the males although I have read where
the females are indeed the more flamboyant, vociferous and physically dominant
in certain variants of particular species. If women were able to remove this
reproductive function it would not make them equal with the males because of
the line of descent. This can be altered, socially, through sex operations, an
injection of testosterone etc but that is merely putting the female on par with
the male and so male physical characteristics still represent the highest
physical standard in humans although women are beautiful and more flamboyant in
their physical appearance. This flamboyance however can be traced back to the
original male progenitor that passed on these genes to the female. The high
physical standard begins with the male and overtime some elements are
transmitted to the female unless some new measure will require a new physical
standard to be set based on the natural requirements of the environment. This
new physical standard is more than often attributed to the male. On a general,
average basis men are superior physically when considering the capacity
required for certain undertakings in nature and this translates into the social
Conquerors vs.
Settlers (the social sphere)
The biological sphere influences how men and women operate
in the social sphere. Most societies historically engaged in various modes of economic
production that were characterized by some form of patriarchy where the men
conducted most of the significant political and economic activities. The women were denied the
privileges that were afforded to men. Where men and women are considered equal
on a social basis the economic basis of production affords the man and the
woman the opportunity to perform the same tasks creditably and on an equal
basis. For instance the use of technology/machinery removed the basis for
capital having to employ the strong males to perform all the labour. The
capitalists could then employ women and children that could generate the same
surplus product and more with the aid of machinery. Another example is basic
agricultural production where the skill of cultivation has become so basic that
man, woman and child can perform it. It is truly equitable on this basic level.
Inequalities will naturally surface, however, when men and women have to engage
in particular social activities that require a high level of physical activity
(mental and manual). This is where men tend to outperform women in the social
scene and it is because of the higher level of men’s physical capabilities why they still represent the highest standards in many spheres of social activity that require some
level of physical activity.
In the social sphere a high level of physical activity is
normally required when you are breaking new ground. The strongest males
(mentally and manually) normally fill this niche and they become the conquerors
of a particular sphere and the standard bearers. Capitalism, a system created
by man, relies on the aid of machinery
to get most of the work done. The machines can become operational with either
man or woman and so claims for equality can be made on such a basis. The man
has lost the means to utilize his higher physical function to get the job done.
The woman can now do it just as easy because the skill has been established and
it can be utilized by both sexes. When the sphere is no longer conquered it
must be settled. Women are the primary settlers in any society. They embody the
social values of a system i.e. its mode of operation or functionality. On this
level women are just as good as men and it would explain why women will do as
well or even better than men in exams or in following guidelines, managing an
organization or political movement, or in the utilization of the requisite
technical skills that have been established by male practice over the years etc.
Once an area becomes settled, following the conquest, then both men and women
engaged in the activity of that sphere operate, more or less, on an equal
footing. Women are therefore entitled to receive the same pay as men because
the men are no longer required to add their superior physical prowess to the
production of certain articles in business. The perception still remains
however that because men are still superior in numbers, with their physical
capabilities, women should not be paid equal wages. My primary argument is that
women are entitled to receive equal pay in industries that have been long
settled or where certain practices have been established. The only thing that
will change this historical trend is if women become leaders and pioneers in
the various spheres of social and economic activities. If a woman was to break
ground with a new product with the labour of women primarily then that would be
a new standard in capital. When you break ground with a new product you do not
necessarily have all the technology available and so high intensive physical
labour is required. Breaking new ground has been done by women but only in
small pockets and it needs to be more consistent and plentiful. The average
physical superiority of men is what continues to hamper women’s chances
particularly when you compare the track record of the two in the field of
innovation and in conquering hostile terrain. Hostile terrain is part and
parcel of any new industry where competition is fierce and cold calculation is necessary.
Some women have this edge where they do not engage in emotionalism to get the
job done however it is only in pockets and not as plentiful as their male
counterpart. On the basis of our natural history men are more inclined to be
ruthless to get what they want.
Even though women have settled into many spheres it is still
an activity created by man. It is an unavoidable fact that women basically
adopt the principles that the males created. The system of capitalism is merely
one example even though the physical requirements of the male are no longer
necessary in some fields. However, once their physical attributes are necessary
to get the job done notions of inequality will arise.
One merely has to go to sports to gain an understanding of man’s superior physical prowess and why males are the standard bearers or the conquerors. The top male track athlete in the world is Usain Bolt and the top female track athlete is Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce. Females have been competing in this sport for a long time however men still get the most attention. Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce is technically superior in her execution of the 100m sprint than Usain Bolt and her best time is 10.70. This time, however, does not represent the fastest that a human being can go. Usain Bolt holds the world record of 9.58. For all his reported technical flaws in the 100m he still represents the highest standard for the 100m sprint. Shelly Ann’s best time is merely a jog for Usain. On that basis she cannot set the highest standard for the sport and will never earn the amount in fees and endorsements that Usain does. Shelly’s primary case for equality would be her technical prowess. This goes back to my argument: once an area is long settled women have demonstrated that on a technical level they are just as good as the men however because of the superior physical constitution of the male he will still get the edge. It occurs in various other sports where the male teams or individuals represent the highest standards. If women were to be considered equal they would have to set the ultimate standard in that particular sport and not merely highlight that they have learned all the techniques required for execution. In fields where the physicality of males and females is on an even keel like singing the woman can compete for supremacy like sales in commercial music. The subject matter or what they sing about and how they sing it will be different. In musical fields that are primarily male dominated such as rap and rock and roll it is normally difficult for females to make their name and they are normally assigned to supporting roles. In rap for instance Nicki Minaj is very talented but for all her hits she cannot score a number 1 on the Billboard hot 100. Eminem, Lil Wayne, Fifty cent as male rappers have all scored number ones even though on a technical basis Minaj is just as talented. What does that say about the perception of those that buy rap music even though her biggest hit “Super Bass” was all over the place. On this basis it is still a man’s world however because, like I said, we created the structures whereby women can execute within a particular framework. Once these structures become less hostile then males and females will compete on a natural footing. An area becomes less hostile once it is populated and settled. Nicki Minaj is a major standout as a female rap artist and needs more women to take up the mantle and populate the field and so let it be known that females are here to stay. Before Minaj it was Missy Elliot and Eve . The field is male dominated but these women have shown (Lil Kim is one of the worst) that they can execute the craft just as well. Missy Elliot, for instance, was nominated for Album of the year in 2002(?) for the album ‘Under Construction’. My point is that for women to truly compete these females must no longer be the exception. One should not have to question whether or not she is a female rapper. It should be ‘that’s a good rap artist’. The strongest woman is not necessarily the strongest man and this applies to most spheres of any society. It is a reality.
The home is the primary historical example of the role women
have played in society for thousands of years. Women were held back by the
system of patriarchy where men engaged in most of the arduous physical tasks
related to the economy and political activity because, before the arrival of
capitalism, the natural terrain was quite hostile. Poverty was the mainstay of
most modes of economic production prior to capital. It still is under
capitalism but it is poverty of a different sort (the wealth is not distributed
in a equitable manner). The physical
labour of man in the past, before capital, was exalted to the point of
romanticism. Even the women bought into it with tales or notions of chivalry
where the knight would rescue the damsel in distress by utilizing his physical
powers. In the great history of man warfare is a mainstay and most, if not all,
the battles were waged by man in his quest to conquer and expand. While he was
doing this the woman would remain patiently at home pining and wondering about
her husband, her son, her uncle, her brother, her baby father etc. Even if war
was not waged the woman would stay at home and look after the household because
the home too was romanticized, particularly in the great romantic traditions of
past economic productions even though it is still romanticized today (the point
is that the romantic element related to the home began before the arrival of
capital). This is why the idyllic peasant way of life is exalted whereby the
male peasant would labour on his land growing crops and rearing livestock primarily
for home consumption. In the home the woman would be the settler taking care of
the home while the mighty man went out to work to provide food and all the
necessaries for the home. The mighty man was perceived as a conqueror and still is in the poorer sections of any
society even if he is a part of a gang who has to defend and provide for the
community or to conquer new territory. The women that have done well will not
see it this way however because they have done well for themselves having
competed in a man’s world and survived and succeeded. This could only be
prevalent in a system that is not bound by patriarchy. Patriarchy exists
predominantly in the poorer sections in any country or poor countries in
general. Capitalism has broken down the many barriers of patriarchy because it
was no longer sufficient for women to remain at home while the man went out to
conquer the world. The price for the
physical labour of man became too expensive and was seen as almost redundant
with the advent of large scale machinery which could be operated by women and
children as well as men. The women had to go out and conquer the world but they
were being utilized for their cheaper labour not because of notions of
equality. Look at what occurred in the Industrial revolution during the 19th
century and the amount of women thrown into the labour force to increase
This is why when
Beyonce (and Obama in his state of union address) says it is a myth she is
wrong from a historical point of view and this is why males still get paid more
on average than females. While they became liberated in the economic sphere
women still face challenges in the political sphere which can be hostile for
many. It is only recently that women have started to become heads of state etc. These women must be commended but this could only come about with the
shattering of the idealized notions of patriarchy where the man remained the
conqueror. Capitalism did this to a great extent. Women can no longer afford to
stay at home when money is required for most daily expenses and not just
physical labour. With the sphere of capital having been long conquered and
settled with the various regulatory systems established it is now safe for
anyone to engage in capital and its political sphere. There is a great scene in
Lincoln (2012) when the senators
stood up unanimously in an uproar when it was suggested that women be allowed
the right to vote. They were all against the idea of course. How many women
would dare to engage these hot headed males at that moment?: one or two maybe
until it becomes a whole army later on. It can be guaranteed that when hostile terrain
is there to be conquered the majority of individuals involved in that
expedition will be male. I am not being sexist I am just highlighting the historical basis for gender inequality.
The primary exceptions are when women themselves are the absolute pioneers.
These females are not many however but it goes to show how difficult it still
is for women to be the absolute pioneers in the social sphere; even in this day
and age.
There must be some mention of blacks or people of colour in
general. Black people and people of
colour have experienced the same travails as women under the white male
dominated societies of the past. ‘The white man’s burden’ spread throughout the
world through the great colonial expansion of the past. The people of colour
were employed primarily because of their unskilled labour and not because they
controlled the means of production. That control was in the hands of white male
capitalists. Even white laborers were considered superior at the more technical
tasks than people of colour simply because they were white and even if they did
not perform as well as their black counterparts. This is why white males were
employed in the field of production as, primarily, managers/supervisors or in
positions of authority. People of colour were to engage primarily in the most
degrading tasks. This is why various black movements under the throes of white
capital sought to run back to Africa and build up their own civilizations in
order to prove that they could be as prosperous as white civilization. This is
why they made reference to their glorious past in Egypt when blacks were the
pioneers of civilization. It became important to prove that blacks could be
conquerors and not just settlers. It remains the same issue for females. They
need to prove that they can be conquerors or standard bearers in the various
fields now dominated by men and not just settlers who have adapted to the ways
of man. So women doing well at exams in schools is not setting a new standard
it is merely showing that they can adapt and embrace equally the systems long
established by man. These female conquerors
do exist in various pockets but not extensive enough to overturn the
belief that it is a man’s world. Beyonce is wrong when she says men must stand
up and say it is wrong; it is actually
the other way around women have to stand up and be standard bearers. Most of
them will be restricted in some fields where strenuous physical labour is
required to make the necessary breakthrough. I am not talking about staying up
late studying or writing a paper, which is a common practice, I am speaking about
the innovative field of creating a new product which will require new modes of
operation or setting a new world record. Some women have done it but this needs
to be done across the board from the mines and the crop fields to industrial
techniques. Innovation in the social sphere basically changes the way we
operate in civilization. I would love to see a woman create the next facebook,
twitter, Apple or Microsoft.
In this day and age the most prized women are not just
beautiful they must have some commanding presence in the social sphere. Beauty
and emotionalism does not cut it anymore; although it is still significant the most beautiful women are not necessarily
the most significant in the social sphere. As beautiful as a particular woman
might be she runs the risk of being a trophy wife more than being a person that
can command respect in the social sphere. Being beautiful is important for a woman who ruthlessly uses her sexuality to get ahead. Their vagina becomes a powerful tool as they
advance up the social ladder but that is as far as it goes. Sexual prowess
seems more like trying to catch a man than to set any real social standard. It
does not advance society at all. If women want to prove they can play the field
like men and open their legs for any man what does that prove in the social
sphere? How is society moving forward from an operational point of view. It
only proves that women can no longer be dominated just like a black man can no
longer be whipped. Pornography, sexual promiscuity and prostitution have laid
those fears to rest for any female seeking to prove that a man can no longer
control their sexuality. They must prove that they can be as decisive as their male counterparts in the operational
part of society and they will get the respect, even if it is grudgingly
acknowledged by some males. This is why the pornstar jenna jameson is so
revered because she set various business standards for females. She is not just
revered in the industry because she has sex; that is a dime a dozen occupation.
Women must continually prove that they can lead through hostile terrain should
the need arise. It will not, eventually, become an issue as to whether or not she
is a female.
You have societies where the women are leaders of
communities and the line of descent is traced through them. These matriarchal
societies are not plentiful but proves the point about what most male dominated
societies have done to women over the years although in the matriarchal
societies the woman does not control the man’s physical movements as is the
case in the patriarchal societies. In these matriarchal societies the woman is
the standard bearer and is accorded all the respect as a result. It is similar
in male dominated societies where the male is the standard bearers. The difference being that male dominated societies
are more plentiful in the global village. You don’t hear calls for equality
coming from males in the matriarchal societies because in some of these societies
they still fulfill their function as provider for the female who remains
stationary in the village raising the children. It therefore does alter natural
history one bit or the original biological roles of male and female. These
particular matriarchal societies are significant because all property is
transmitted through the female.
Physical Domination
This bring me to my final section about physical domination.
Throughout history under the system of patriarchal rule males have used their
physicality to oppress females. Oppressing a female is originally done by
oppressing her sexuality particularly as it will affect the line of descent for
the male. This is not necessarily so in matriarchal societies where, at times,
it does not matter who the father is. This physical domination is one of the
means whereby the males exert control and hamper the movement of females. This is
why I mentioned this in my intro as proof that gender inequality is still alive
and well regardless of what the books say about the independent woman. The
reality is that men in order to dominate women use their physicality to do so. This
goes back to a time in our natural history where man had to defend his
territory from other males so that only he could have access to the female’s
vagina. It is not much different in the social sphere under the system of
patriarchy. We have heard of many drastic means to control a woman’s sexuality
such as a brutal form of circumcision in some African tribes and the chastity belt that used to be worn in medieval Europe. These
efforts to control a woman’s sexuality demonstrate that they exist in areas
where man has not risen significantly beyond the realm of pure instinct or is
still tied to his natural history. We have seen through history that in times
of war one way to damage the morale of the opposition is to rape the women in
their societies. One of the most famous
of such episodes throughout history has
been the rape of Nanjing in China where Japanese soldiers went on a rampage. It
is not just sexual domination because under patriarchal rule women are seen
to be no better than children or it is believed that they should be treated
like children hence why it is permissible to beat them as you would your 2
year old child. This treatment of women demonstrates the extent that man has used his physicality to
dominate. Most men use their physicality, regardless of their mental
capabilities, as justification for their superiority. Darwin argued that when males are much larger than the females,
physically, they tend to have several females. Where the male and female are on
a even physical level the tendency is for the relationship to be monogamous.
This is in the natural sphere however in
the social sphere other elements determine what makes a man successful such as
the amount of property at his disposal. The more he has the more females he is
liable to attract. Poorer areas or
nations tend to stick to the natural bit of our history and so the amount of
property does not really matter when females from those areas are still pursued
in droves on the basis of pure physicality. In the social sphere however if you
want to keep the woman and not just have sex with her you must have some form
of property. Physicality alone does not cut it.
Women have been reacting to this form of physical domination
and if gender inequality is to be removed this issue has to be addressed. The main
struggles for women to remove themselves from this sort of bondage began,
primarily, in the 20th century especially as capitalism broke down
the walls of patriarchal domination and encouraged women to leave the home to
work. Women rightly assert the right they have to their own sexuality and this
is prominent in the area of prostitution and pornography where women have sex
with any man they choose once the price is right although some are controlled by pimps. Regardless of these
outlets you have women that are promiscuous and it is argued that they have
issues but there are some women who believe that the more promiscuous they are it
is unlikely for any one male to control their bodies. It can be seen as a means
of male domination however as a lot of women are taken advantage of; however a
lot of female pornstars have revealed that they love the control that they have
over their sexuality and shudder at the thought of marriage which would
relinquish that control, in the name of the bible and other religious texts
(all of them patriarchal), to the man. In the days of great poverty in our past
when religion dominated the world prostitutes and pornstars and adulterers (Jesus
saving the woman from being stoned to death) would be decimated by the
patriarchal society. It has nothing to do with god but male domination. Why is
it that when women are promiscuous it is perceived as a negative in comparison
with the exploits of a man? It all boils down to our natural history. The woman
must have issues if she is promiscuous. The patriarchal society model is not
only embraced by men but by females themselves who make it their duty to act in
a particular way to please the male dominated society. This was why there was
such a big fuss over beyonce’s live performance at the grammys recently. Some
of her most ardent critics were female. There should be nothing wrong if a
woman decides to perform in such a provocative matter as long as she is not
having sex. If a man came out on stage with only underwear it would more than
likely draw laughter than incredulity. When Janet Jackson has a wardrobe malfunction
at the Super bowl it is cause for great concern. I suppose beyonce was trying
to prove that gender inequality was a myth or that girls run the world (lol).
In a matriarchal dominated society she would not be criticized as heavily,
probably not at all.
The flip side to this however is that when a woman is so
active sexually she is giving in to the males. This is so because it does not
necessarily prove that a woman can operate in a man’s world. It just means that
men no longer have to work hard to have sex with the female and so she becomes
an easy target for many males. If we negate the element of choice (woman has
emotional issues etc) then this could be so. But once a woman chooses to have
sex for mere pleasure and not for emotional reasons then that is a calculated
decision. If she decides to have sex with several men it is because she
believes she will get pleasure from these particular males based on their
physical attributes, which she finds appealing. If it is a rational choice then
nothing should be wrong and that does not mean she is giving into the males.
When it is a matter of choice you do not see these females having sex with
every man that walks through the door
which seems to be the case with the emotionally troubled ones that offer
little resistance to the males that seek to conquer them sexually.
Women do use their sexuality now to catch a male. They do this in a calculating manner because they perceive that this man can provide for her. In the great tribal past the family would negotiate on behalf of the female to be married to the male. Now the woman can make that decision on her own. If a woman chooses to settle with a particular man it is because he is perceived to have some form of property to take care of her or to share in the expenses. It is always frowned upon when a woman does all of the work to take care of the man who stays at home all day. Why should it be frowned upon is because most societies are historically patriarchal. It should not be frowned upon however when a woman gets married primarily for the material security offered by the male because that is how it has always been done but primarily through the family. She no longer chooses on the basis of your physicality because that is a feature of our natural history however in the social sphere the amount of property, from the tribal days, is a significant determining factor if she chooses to settle with you. A woman can want to have sex you on the basis of your physicality alone. It does happen from uptown to downtown but if you have no property she will not settle with you and allow you to control her sexuality. If a very beautiful woman settles with a man she finds attractive but has no money it is likely that she will suffer and will be tempted by the advances of other men that can provide her with real material security as opposed to just good sex. This is why marriage is not really a ceremony conducted before god but on the basis that the man can provide. Women can choose to marry an attractive man for love but in time they realize, in a patriarchal society, that the man must provide. Women are drawn to the men who demonstrate their physicality to the utmost but in the social sphere it means nothing if he cannot provide. This is so even in matriarchal societies where the woman remains the main judge of whether or not a man is fulfilling his duties in society.
Once women are able to exert a choice about who they have
sex with or choose to settle down with then gender inequality will become a
thing of the past. However as long as women continue to submit to the dictates of
a patriarchal society then it will remain the reality and not a myth. If a
woman chooses to engage in pornography then don’t judge in an attempt to
control her sexuality if you are truly supportive of gender equality.
When a particular male feels like he is getting nowhere with
a female in some form of negotiation or he wants to dominate her he will either
intimidate her with his physicality or rape her. This woman could have all the
money in the world but she will still be shattered by such actions. In a patriarchal
dominated society or a society that has a history of patriarchal norms such
events are always going to be possible.
Gender inequality is not a myth but a cold reality in most instances. When a large section of the female population is assertive , dominant and leaders or standard bearers in various fields then most societies with a history of patriarchy will reverse the trend of inequality. Once the elements that contributed to the formation of a patriarchal society still dominate then gender equality is not a myth and inequality will be more likely. It all boils down to our natural history and the sexual roles assigned to males and females.
This is my contribution to the debate.
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