Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Movie Moments: Neo is 'The One'


(here is the moment courtesy of YouNeedMe's channel)

When Neo becomes the one in The Matrix (1999) it is a decisive moment and represents a significant shift for the rest of films in the trilogy, The Matrix Reloaded (2003) and The Matrix Revolutions (2003). It is a moment that emboldens the resistance by the rebels against the machines that created the system of the matrix in order to enslave humanity. In the real world the machines, through artificial intelligence,  defeated the humans  during the 21st century which enabled them to take control, bodily,  over the humans.  According to Morpheus’s explanation humans were then kept in the matrix, a digital fantasy world programmed by the machines and fed into the minds of the humans, from birth until death, while their bodies reside in liquefied pods as the machines extract precious energy from their bodies. The humans have to be kept alive in order for the energy to be extracted.  There is a lot not accounted for when explaining the ins and outs of the matrix but the basis seems to be that humans reside in this digital fantasy in order to keep their minds active or engaged. The humans then come to feed on this fantasy created by the machines and so it keeps their levels of resistance at a minimum. Morpheus, the great teacher, explained that at some point in the early stages of the matrix  there was an individual who was able to see beyond the façade of the matrix and was therefore able to manipulate it for his own benefit and for the benefit of others as they were able to see, with his help, beyond the fantasy of the matrix. He was, therefore, responsible for freeing the first humans. These humans eventually formed the underground human settlement of Zion. It is the humans from that settlement that, at the time of the events of The Matrix, lead the resistance against the machines as they attempt to free more humans from the mental illusion of the matrix. According to Morpheus ‘the one’ disappeared  but it was foretold that he would return and deliver the humans against the machines. There is a lot that needs explanation but it’s not provided and I am not going to get involved at this point because that’s for another discussion. Morpheus, however, believes that the one has returned as Neo.  Neo, however, is not convinced until the end.

Prior to the coming of ‘the one’ the human resistance  could only score minimal victories. This is because within the matrix the machines have programs called agents that act like the CIA and monitor the system for any sign of rebel activity or disturbances within the system . The agents are more powerful than  any member of the resistance, including Morpheus, and we see that on several occasions. Morpheus is humiliated in a bathroom by Agent Smith, the chief agent;  we see another agent dodge bullets and all agents are capable of transferring themselves throughout the matrix by those humans that are still connected to the mainframe. Morpheus explains that while the agents are superior to his crew they are still bound by rules even though they can dodge bullets. These rules still acknowledge that bullets are bullets and that the agents inhabit a particular space. They cannot transcend that space but they can amplify their abilities such as speed and strength in comparison to the members of the resistance. ‘The one’, according to Morpheus, is not limited by such rules of space and so he can manipulate the environment because he is not bound by it. He is transcendent and can not only see but  physically manipulate the environment in the matrix or defy it. The matrix is a mental construct and so that physical ability has a lot to do with how much he allows his mind to be affected by events within the matrix. Normally in the matrix, when some individuals are on the receiving end of harsh violence in the matrix they can die because their minds give the impression that they are dead because they are still bound mentally to the world in which they reside. The reality is that the matrix is not real and once you become conscious of that you realize that it can be manipulated like any other commodity or product. When we are presented with a commodity or product,  for instance, we take it for what it is and do not seek to manipulate it because we assume that this is as good as it gets. We do not challenge its makeup. There are those that can manipulate it however and can get the best out of it. Another man’s tool can be another man’s weapon, as they say.

‘The one’ is capable of using this device of the matrix against the machines that created it. The matrix was designed to enslave people but ‘the one’ demonstrates that it can be used as a device for liberation. Once the mind is liberated from the realm of appearance and can see the essence behind something then that something loses, to some extent, the credibility or the mystification it had in the realm of appearance. ‘The one’, therefore, represents a more conscious, subjective and empowering  direction taken by the resistance. The more emotionally driven humans triumphing over the system created by the machines. Progress is always made when a new subjective element comes along and challenges the objective reality that binds all of us. They are the heroes because they lay the basis for the creation of something new or liberating. People will realize that when a man can do the things that ‘the one’ can do then it is clear that this world is not real or lasting but a mental construct used against you as a form of control. The actions of ‘the one’ can show you someone that is completely liberated mentally.  The fact that ‘the one’ can do these things means this world is not real or lasting or eternal. Before the arrival of ‘the one’ the resistance found it difficult to convince some people that the cold, real world was better than the matrix. We see this when one member of Morpheus’s crew, Cypher, is not convinced that there is a better world for humanity outside of the matrix. This is one reason why he strikes a deal with the agents to betray Morpheus and asks to be readmitted to the matrix.  The ultimate goal of the resistance is to free all of humanity from the matrix. Once they do then the world of the machines will lose all credibility particularly as humans are their primary energy source. ‘The one’ makes it more likely that the people will be liberated. Yes the members of the resistance can jump high or run very fast but can they fly? They are still bound by the system and the fact that they can be overwhelmed by the agents or are constantly running from them means that the system still has sway over them mentally.  This all goes back to the point that as capitalism continues to grow in the many areas of the world the human element will become increasingly dependent on technology for its survival. The human element that made us strong will eventually be lost. Humans will only reach their true state when technology is used to enhance us for our own improvement or make us stronger or make us go beyond the confines of a particular way of life. The growth in technology, as it stands, will only encourage the commodity fetish and will keep us enthralled by capitalism. The next stage of human development will see us consciously upgrading the lives of everyone instead of only the few. With technical progress, a result of increased labour productivity, we can use this for the full development of all instead of the devaluing of the many in favour of just the few.

Whenever the resistance encountered the agents, therefore, prior to the arrival of ‘the one’ they had to tuck tail and run. It’s constant pressure and pain for the resistance. Even before Neo lives up to his potential as the one he does try and add some dynamism to the approach of the resistance. After Morpheus is beaten and captured by the agents, who wish to unlock his mind so that he can provide some form of access codes to Zion, Neo decides to pull off a daring rescue attempt in order to disprove the oracle’s theory regarding Morpheus. The oracle told Neo that Morpheus was prepared to die for his belief that Neo was indeed ‘the one’. She also informed him that one of them, Neo or Morpheus, would die.  Whereas Morpheus is convinced Neo is ‘the one’ Neo is convinced that he is not. This is why he decides to go and rescue Morpheus because he does not wish for Morpheus to die on his behalf. Even though he believes he is not ‘the one’ he does suggest that he is by his actions because it takes a lot of gumption for someone to decide to go on the offensive against the agents in their stronghold. The rescue attempt makes for some great action sequences including the bullet dodging sequence on the rooftop. After they do rescue Morpheus there is even a small moment when Neo attempts to hold up, with the aid of a harness, the weight of a falling, malfunctioning helicopter with Trinity, his love interest, inside. Morpheus is stunned by Neo’s attempt and this reinforces his own belief. In the subway, where they are preparing to leave the matrix through the telephone, agent Smith tracks them down and almost blows Trinity’s head off along with the phone. Morpheus already went through. Just before Smith’s sudden arrival Trinity was prepared to confess her love for Neo which is in line with the Oracle’s prediction that she would fall in love with 'the one'. With the phone destroyed it leaves Smith alone with Neo. The customary thing to do would be to run and find another telephone. He is urged to run by Trinity. Neo does turn to run but decides against it and turns to face Smith. This is unprecedented. Morpheus responds to Trinity’s query that Neo is beginning to believe. He is still bound by the limitations faced by many members of the resistance. He has not reached that transcendent stage but he showed with the rescue attempt that he has a lot of courage. Breaking through to be so transcendent is not as simple as belief because there needs to be some form of material manifestation that would highlight that ‘the one’ has arrived.

Neo and Smith do engage in battle in the subway and it makes for good entertainment. Neo may have demonstrated significant strength and resolve but in the end, after Smith is hit by a train, he comes back as fresh as ever. In the end Neo still has to run because he is drained. Smith is joined in his pursuit of Neo by the other two agents. Neo is busy looking for another phone he can use to get out of the matrix. He does find the phone but, just as he enters the room, he is greeted by Smith who shoots him. Neo still stands.  After the second shot Neo tries to put on another brave showing even though that shot had an exit wound as evidenced by the blood on the wall in the corridor. He put on such a brave showing because he is trying to convince himself that the matrix is not real and that it is a question of mind over matter. Smith picks up on Neo’s stubborn resolve and shoots him repeatedly until he dies. The repeated gunfire directed at Neo’s body was probably too much of a shock for his mind.  Smith  remains a bit skeptical because of Neo’s stubborn resistance and his willingness to go on the offensive. When Morpheus went on the offensive against Smith earlier on the film it was more out of desperation to protect Neo. In another situation he would have avoided confrontation. The other agents confirm for Smith that Neo is indeed dead ‘Goodbye Mr. Henderson.’ In the real world the ship inhabited now by Morpheus, Trinity and Tank is being attacked by sentinels or real live machines. The primary defense against these sentinels is the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) but it cannot be used once someone is in the matrix. It is a tricky time because Morpheus is still in shock that it is possible Neo is dead and if the EMP goes off they will forever end the link with Neo. The normally emotionless Trinity becomes desperate and as the approach of the sentinels becomes louder and more apparent she declares her love for Neo explaining that he cannot be dead because of the Oracle’s prophecy. The oracle’s prophecy that she would fall in love with ‘the one’.  She seals her confession with a kiss and shortly afterwards Neo is miraculously revived in dramatic fashion. He did die and is now reborn or resurrected as ‘the one’. It seems that Trinity’s love does not require a cell phone to communicate because as she tells him ‘now get up’ and he responds.

The agents, particularly Smith, are dumbfounded and fire several shots at Neo; but to everyone’s consternation Neo says ‘no’, raises his hands and the bullets stop in mid air. Tank on the other side asks ‘How?’ and Morpheus responds ‘He’s the one.’ Morpheus should not be surprised because he did tell Neo that when he was ready he would not need to dodge bullets. He should still be surprised at what he is seeing because for so long members of the resistance fled when they saw an agent but here is a man stopping their bullets and seeing the code of the matrix as if he were in the real world. Agent Smith is peeved by Neo’s new found power (Neo even examines one of the bullets stuck in the air) and decides to confront him with his fists. His attack is insignificant and looks desperate instead of reminiscent of the power that made Morpheus look like a novice fighter. Neo is not impressed and seems to be more interested in his  ability to see the code of the matrix beyond its normal appearance.  So insignificant are the attacks by Smith’s once powerful fists that Neo decides midway to use one hand, instead of two,  to deflect his blows  before twisting his arm, after a quick flurry, then sending Smith back through the air to  where he launched his attack, near the end of the corridor,  with one sharp, direct kick. No more running because the pressure has been significantly relieved now. Neo demonstrates his new found power as he runs towards Smith, who is expecting another beat ‘em up, and then dives into his body. This is real power because he contorts the body Smith inhabits and then forcibly tears him apart from within. Smith explodes and we see that there is a significant distortion in the matrix following this major disruption or anomaly. Neo gives the other two agents a fierce look and they run. This is the first time where agents tuck tail and run. Smith’s destruction was also the first real death of an agent in the film particularly as they could not be killed by usual means-- such as gunfire or being run over by a train-- because their programs would simply be transferred to other bodies. Neo destroyed Smith from the inside because he was able to undo his  essential features which were not visible to the naked eye. He can now undo the essential features and not just its appearances. Neo eventually gets back in time to answer the phone so that Morpheus is able to use the EMP to destroy the sentinels. Again thanks to Trinity’s call.  We also learn shortly afterwards that Neo can fly. Who needs to prove they can make a simple jump across buildings?

(The tactic used by Neo against Smith was also used in The Matrix Revolutions. Neo was so powerful by then that Smith could only challenge him after absorbing all the elements of the matrix. With the entire matrix concentrated in Smith Neo was able to tear it apart from within, as   smith absorbed him, and so fulfilling his side of the bargain with the machines that acknowledged the failure of the matrix as a system thanks to Smith who became like a virus that was also no longer bound by its dictates. This made him the negative of Neo or his arch nemesis. Both men not bound by the rules of the system.)

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