Friday, December 14, 2012

The idea that doomsday events are supposed to occur at the end of 2012, according to the Mayan Calendar, is rubbish

This is a brief statement claiming that the doomsday events that are to occur at the end of 2012, according to the Mayan calendar, is a load of rubbish. This prophecy belongs on the refuse heap where can be found all the other failed religious prophecies of the past. This prophecy is typical of the wild fanaticism associated with religious doctrine which is an offspring of the warped idealistic philosophy where  thoughts determine the outcome of concrete determinations. In this case the basis for this thought is a a prophecy. The destruction of the world should only take into account the destruction of the world of man's material circumstances associated with the movements of society and the class struggle. This is typical of humans that see destruction of the world through their eyes only without taking into account the material world and what is actually occurring. The real material value is the cash cow provided by this prophecy and so tourists will now visit mayan sites with the hopes to come to some understanding about its prophecy. This mass form of propaganda by the petty bourgeois groups is pathetic and disturbing as it aids in the convolution of societal perceptions which have no grounding in the material forces that we are governed by. Is there really a planet heading towards us? No, because it is a fantastical ideal that has no basis in what is actually going on in the material world around us. If this was so the planet on a crash course would have been reported already by the various space centres. Melancholia (2011) released last year hoped to elaborate on this prophecy and the executives should have released the film this year. The film 2012 also should have been released this year so as to cash in on this great fantasy ride that is available for a relatively small cost.

Lastly this prophecy is testament to the death of a truly ancient Mayan civilization. The prophets that created this malicious falsehood existed at a time when the empire itself was in its heyday. Where is that civilization today? In ruins. The people who made the claims are dead and gone so why put forward this false propaganda in order to cash in on a obsolete civilization. The Mayan civilization was governed heavily by religion, see Apocalypto directed by Mel Gibson, and so this prophecy is testament to the failure of idealism. The Mayan civilization was swept aside by the material forces associated with the rampaging conquistadors of the Spanish empire who exploited the territory in the search of gold. The material forces undermined this civilization in an ignominious fashion. The art of Film itself has played its role in this propaganda machinery because this is testament to the fantasy imbued in human civilization which is the source for our tragedy. It is because of these fantasies that we believe in the massive accumulation of riches etc. This is probably why the prophecy still has some clout in today's world as it preys on the fears of those religious minded individuals that collapse on their selves time and time again. They continue to insist on believing that that prophecy, which is an offspring of the mind, actually has bearing on reality.  The most it can do is exploit our fears which in turn compels people to do foolish things. SELL IT ALL.

The mayan civilization is now obsolete and as they envisioned that the world would end in 2012 it is testament to the failure of idealism as a philosophy. The Mayan civilization ended long before that and I am sure they saw themselves lasting longer than they did if not for the rampaging mercantile spaniards that destroyed their culture. Their culture in the form of ruins now stands as a great source of exploitation by the petty bourgeois clan that hope to milk the cash cow and create some excitement within the various societies around the world so as to distract from the important matters at hand. 

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